Merge all Servers to Another System

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Merge all Servers to Another System

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This operation can be useful if there is System A that contains several Servers and all of them should be joined to another System B.  Also this  method should be used to join remote server(s) to a current system.

note Note: If Licenses have been previously activated on this server, they will be gone from the current System.

To split Server from System use Web:

1.Launch Nx Witness   Client and connect to any Server  in system A.

2.Right-click on System, invoke Context Menu and choose Merge Systems.

3.Enter Server URL (any server of System B or remote Server). To find Systems in local network use drop-down menu. For Remote Server type http://<ip>:<port>:

<ip> – IP address of Server (the current computer should be able to connect to this Server)

<port> – network port of Server (default 7001).

4.Enter Password to System B (or to remote Server) and click Find System.

5.Select the new System Name (System A or System B).

System A – System B will be merged to System A

System B – System A will be merged to System B

6.Click Merge with <System Name>.