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    Nx Solutions Day Indonesia 2019 Recap

    by | Jun 13, 2022

    1 minute read

    On July 26, 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia the Nx APAC Team to show off the latest version of Nx Witness VMS and Works with Nx solutions from tech partners Senturian Solutions (AI-Powered Video Analytics) and Chiyu (Access Control).


    Presented By

    Nx Solutions Day in Indonesia was led by the Nx APAC Sales Team and Nx Tech Partners Sentutrian Solutions and Chiyu.

    At The Event


    Attendees were introduced to upcoming new features in Nx Witness v4.0 – including demonstrations of new metadata overlays and search from Senturian.






    Chiyu demonstrated their integrated Access Control system, Senturian demonstrated fall detection, violence detection, and smoke detection, the Nx team showed off a beta version of Nx Witness v4.0.





    More than 70 local security industry experts gathered together to share their experiences and expertise in working with Nx Witness VMS to build customer-tailored IP video solutions.




    Photos from the Event

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