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    Optimizing System Performance with Gen 6: Architectural Updates to Maximize Efficiency

    by | Oct 3, 2024

    4 minute read

    Optimizing System Performance with Gen 6: Architectural Updates to Maximize Efficiency

    With the launch of Generation 6, we've introduced significant architectural changes to enhance the stability, performance, and manageability of large-scale systems. These updates, including server limits and other adjustments to server connections, are designed to address challenges with oversized deployments. While the changes might initially seem restrictive, they are crucial for ensuring that your systems remain robust, responsive, and future-proof as they grow.

    This article will guide you through the new architecture, explaining how you can leverage it to design systems that deliver better performance - whether for single-site, multi-site, or edge-based environments.

    The Key Change: Shifting from Hives to Sites

    Previously, Nx Witness systems used a Hive model for grouping servers. Under Gen 6, the term “Hive” has been replaced with "Site", and new soft limits have been introduced to improve stability and performance. These changes impact the number of servers that can be connected within a single Site, now limited to 10 servers for multi-camera setups and 32 servers for single-camera edge setups. By capping the number of servers per Site, we’ve ensured that even the largest systems can maintain optimal performance and operational efficiency.

    For larger deployments, Gen 6 Enterprise introduces a New Organization Layer, which allows multiple Sites to be grouped together under a single management framework known as "Organizations." This enables you to scale beyond individual Site limits while maintaining centralized control over, user permissions, notifications, archives, and live streaming.

    1.Enhancing Single-Site System Management: Improved Infrastructure and Greater Capacity

    Single-site systems will experience some of the most noticeable changes with the new Site limits. While the maximum number of servers per Site is now capped at 10, the camera capacity per server has increased to 256 cameras (up from 128), allowing for a potential total of 2,560 devices per Site.

    Key Benefits:

    • Maximized server capacity: The new 256-camera limit per server reduces the number of required servers, simplifying management and minimizing hardware complexity.
    • Boosted system performance and reduced network strain: With fewer servers needed to manage the same number of devices, overall network traffic is lessened, improving data flow and reducing potential network congestion.
    • Long-term system stability: Keeping server counts manageable with the new soft limits prevents system overloading, ensuring long-term reliability and fewer support issues over time.
    • Simplified Scaling: Consolidating more cameras onto fewer servers reduces the complexity of the hardware setup while offering flexibility for future growth, making single-site management easier and more efficient.

    2. Multi-Site Systems: Centralized Control for Large-Scale Deployments

    Multi-site deployments will benefit significantly from the introduction of the Organizations layer in Gen 6 Enterprise. This new structure allows multiple Sites to be grouped under a single Organization, enabling centralized management of user permissions, health monitoring, and notifications across all Sites.

    Key Benefits:

    • Optimized multi-site operations: By creating separate Sites for each physical location and managing them through an Organization, you ensure that each Site operates within its recommended limits while still benefiting from centralized management. This ensures each Site operates at peak efficiency without overloading the system.
    • Cloud-based management: The introduction of Nx Connect in Gen 6 Enterprise enables centralized cloud-based management of subscriptions and live streaming. This reduces the need for on-site management across multiple locations and streamlines operations through cloud-based infrastructure.
    • System Health monitoring Coming Soon: The enhanced health monitoring capabilities of Organizations will enable you to track system performance across all Sites. This allows for quick identification and resolution of potential issues to ensure uninterrupted operations, with key data managed and stored in the cloud for better scalability and redundancy.

    3. Edge-Based Systems: Autonomous, Scalable, and Resilient

    Edge systems are tailored for environments where processing occurs directly at the device level, minimizing reliance on centralized servers. The architectural updates in Gen 6 enable more effective scaling of edge systems without compromising performance.

    Key Benefits:

    • Improved device support: The increased camera limit per server allows for greater device support in edge environments, ensuring that distributed setups can handle more devices efficiently while maintaining system integrity.
    • Enhanced data protection: Local storage redundancy ensures that video data is continuously recorded, even in the event of network disruptions, safeguarding critical footage.
    • Autonomous operation: The ability to operate independently from centralized servers allows edge-based systems to continue functioning smoothly, even when connectivity issues arise.

    Addressing Concerns: Why These Changes Benefit System Stability

    At first glance, the new Site limits might seem restrictive, but they’re designed to address common performance and stability issues. Large systems, particularly those with more than 10 servers in a single Site, were prone to database synchronization errors and network instability. By capping the server count per Site at 10, Network Optix is taking proactive steps to ensure that systems remain stable as they scale.

    What Does this Mean for Existing Systems?

    If your current system exceeds the new Site limits, you won’t need to overhaul your architecture immediately. These systems will be grandfathered in, allowing you to continue operating as-is. Soft warnings will alert you if your system surpasses the new thresholds, but immediate changes are not required. However, if performance issues arise, you may be advised to reduce server counts or split your architecture into smaller Sites. It's worth noting that these limits have been recommended by support agents in certain scenarios for some time. Many larger enterprises have already encountered these challenges, and this update simply formalizes those guidelines within the software to ensure smoother operations moving forward.

    Conclusion: Better Systems for the Future with Gen 6

    The architectural changes in Gen 6 are designed to help you build systems that are more stable, scalable, and efficient, especially for large or multi-site environments. By understanding and adapting to these changes, you can create a system that is not only compliant with the new architecture but is also primed for future growth and operational success.

    For those managing edge systems, centralized multi-site deployments, or even smaller single-site setups, Gen 6’s new architecture provides the tools and flexibility to create systems that are robust, secure, and ready for growth.

    Ready to take advantage of the powerful new features and enhanced stability in Generation 6? Contact your local sales rep or send us a message here to learn more!

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