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    The Future of Retail Has Arrived

    Nx EVOS is transforming the retail landscape, from enhancing in-store security to optimizing customer experiences and operational efficiency. 


    Develop Intelligent Retail Solutions

    Nx EVOS redefines retail management by integrating dynamic video analytics, customizable operational insights, and seamless device integration to enhance safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
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    • Adaptable

      Customized Retail Solutions

      Nx EVOS seamlessly integrates with your existing retail setup, offering flexible deployment options on-premises, in the cloud, or via a hybrid model to suit your business needs.
    • Scalable expand_more
    • Scalable

      Grow Your Retail Empire

      Scale your retail operations effortlessly with Nx EVOS, catering to every stage of your business growth, from cozy boutiques to sprawling global retail chains. Nx EVOS’s scalable architecture ensures you deliver consistent, top-notch customer service across all locations.
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      Unified Retail Systems

      Nx EVOS's universal compatibility supports over 45k IP cameras and a vast array of IoT devices, creating a streamlined ecosystem that enhances operational efficiency and customer engagement.
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    • Intelligent

      Data-Driven Retail Insights

      Transform your retail strategy with Nx EVOS. Utilize AI-driven analytics for real-time customer insights, optimizing store layouts, marketing strategies, and inventory management for maximized profits.

    Customized Retail Solutions

    Nx EVOS seamlessly integrates with your existing retail setup, offering flexible deployment options on-premises, in the cloud, or via a hybrid model to suit your business needs.

    Grow Your Retail Empire

    Scale your retail operations effortlessly with Nx EVOS, catering to every stage of your business growth, from cozy boutiques to sprawling global retail chains. Nx EVOS’s scalable architecture ensures you deliver consistent, top-notch customer service across all locations.

    Unified Retail Systems

    Nx EVOS's universal compatibility supports over 45k IP cameras and a vast array of IoT devices, creating a streamlined ecosystem that enhances operational efficiency and customer engagement.

    Data-Driven Retail Insights

    Transform your retail strategy with Nx EVOS. Utilize AI-driven analytics for real-time customer insights, optimizing store layouts, marketing strategies, and inventory management for maximized profits.
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    Retail Solutions

    Retail Reimagined

    From small boutiques to large retail chains, transform your retail environment with technology designed for modern retail challenges.

    Nx EVOS

    Nx EVOS is not just a solution but a platform for innovation, enabling the creation of custom solutions for inventory management, in-store analytics, and personalized customer experiences, setting new benchmarks in retail excellence.
    Nx EVOS

    Nx Witness™

    Secure and streamline your retail operations with Nx Witness™, providing top-tier surveillance, loss prevention, and actionable insights to optimize your retail business.

    Optimize Your Retail Operations

    Network Optix delivers tailored solutions for the retail industry, enabling businesses to harness advanced video analytics and seamless integration for enhanced security, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

    Unified Operations
    Consolidate your retail management with Nx EVOS. Achieve centralized control over store operations, from sales floor activities to back-end logistics, for increased efficiency and customer service excellence.
    Nx Toolkit
    Nx EVOS equips developers with powerful APIs and SDKs to create customized retail solutions. Innovate and integrate to develop a system that caters to unique retail needs, from inventory tracking to personalized shopping experiences.
    Smart Storage
    Optimize your data storage strategy with Nx EVOS. From local servers to cloud-based solutions, ensure your retail data is secure, accessible, and compliant with industry standards.
    Unrivaled Security

    Ensure the safety of your retail operations and customer data with Nx EVOS's comprehensive security protocols, including SOC 2 Type 2 compliance, for peace of mind in a digitally connected retail world.

    Empowering Retail Stakeholders

    Nx EVOS is a game-changer for retail stakeholders, offering advanced video analytics and seamless integration to revolutionize customer service, inventory management, and store security
    OEMs | Developers | Tech Innovators
    Integrate with Nx EVOS to enhance your retail solutions through advanced video analytics, IoT integration, and AI capabilities, driving innovation and improving the shopping experience.
    Integrators | Distributors | System Installers
    Partner with Network Optix to create custom retail solutions that seamlessly integrate into existing infrastructures, enhancing operational efficiency and providing retailers with scalable, cutting-edge technology.
    Retail Corporations
    Utilize Nx EVOS to deliver personalized customer experiences, optimize inventory management, and bolster store security, setting new standards in retail excellence and customer satisfaction.

    Future-Proof Your Retail Operation

    Ready to elevate your retail business with Nx EVOS? Contact us today to explore how our intelligent video management solution can unlock new levels of efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.