The simplest way to create new Layout is to open a new Tab (see “Tabs and Layouts”). However in this case Layout will be created locally and will not be saved on Server and will not be restored after next login. Layouts should be saved for future use.
To create new Layout for specific User:
1.Find User in Resource Tree, Right-Click on Context Menu and choose New Layout:
2.Enter Layout’s Name and click OK (Cancel will discard all changes):
3.New Layout will be created and displayed in Resource Tree. A new Tab will automatically appear:
There are several ways to set up Layouts:
Set Up Own Layouts:
1.Open a new Tab, configure Layout and save.
2.Locate own User in Resource Tree, create new Layout using Context Menu and save.
Setting up Layouts for other Users:
1.Find the desired User in Resource Tree, create new Layout using Context Menu and save.
2.Open a new Tab, configure and save Layout, then associate with the desired User (See “Assigning Layouts to Users (Admin Only)”).