Tabs are used to make layout navigation easier. Each Tab hosts a separate Layout. Tabs function very similar to any Internet browser.
The following actions can be performed with Tabs:
•Open a new tab:
•Tab Navigator’s Context Menu –> New Tab (Ctrl+T)
•Main Menu –> New –> Tab
•"+" icon on the right of layout tabs
•Close a specific Tab: Tab’s Context Menu –> Close (Ctrl+W)
•Keep one Tab open – Tab’s Context Menu –> Close All but This
•Change the tab order – switch position by dragging and dropping a tab in the desired order.
IMPORTANT: A warning message will appear every time Tab is modified, suggesting to the user to save changes. See “Saving Layouts”.
If too many Tabs are opened at the same time, scrolling arrows will appear:
These arrows can be used to scroll Tabs left and right.
To navigate to a specific Tab or open a saved layout, use the following button located on the right (next to "+"):
Initially, no Layouts are configured in the system. An empty default Tab is shown (“New Layout”). If User tries to configure Layout in this Tab, asterisk will automatically be added to the caption (indicating a Layout change). The Layout will remain local.
The layout information is automatically passed to Server once Layout is saved (See “Saving Layouts”). If Layout is saved successfully, it will be displayed in Resource Tree under the current User.
When closing all Layouts, the default blank Tab will still appear. If the current Layout is saved as “New Layout”, the blank Tab located next to it will be renamed “New Layout 1” automatically.
Any saved Layouts that were previously opened, will appear automatically once User logs in.
See "Layout Management" and specifically "Setting up Layout" sections for more details.