Introducing User Roles

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Introducing User Roles

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There are three types of user roles in Nx Witness:

Owner (user with "admin" login). Unlimited control. This user cannot be deleted.

Administrator. Full control, except:

Change Super Administrator (admin) settings

Delete or change own role

Viewers (Live Viewer, Viewer, Advanced Viewer). Limited control. A viewer cannot:

Manage users (except for changing their own password).

See servers and all connected cameras. Only the cameras assigned by the administrator are visible.

Change predefined layouts (layouts can be changed, but cannot be saved); however, it is possible to configure and save own layouts based on available resources (assigned cameras and local files).

Additional permissions can be assigned to users to be able to operate with available cameras (assigned by Administrator):












Adv. Viewer








Live Viewer







View archive, perform search and forensic analysis

Perform export from archives

Set up cameras

Set up PTZ on cameras

Create, modify and delete Video Walls.

If none of these permissions are assigned, a user can only view live videos on available cameras.

! IMPORTANT. If any action or graphical element described in this document is not available to a specific user level, the following will apply (Admin only). If the action described in this document is unavailable to certain roles, it will be indicated in the corresponding topic.

The following represents a standard flow:

1.Super Administrator creates and configures all layouts for own use.

2.Super Administrator creates several users with a Viewer role.

3.Super Administrator creates and configures layouts for each Viewer.

4.Viewer logs into Nx Witness and is only able to work with assigned layouts and cameras.