Join Server from Different System to Current-One

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Join Server from Different System to Current-One

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This action can be useful if there is a single Server in a different System  in local network. To join such server to the current system it is possible to use Nx Witness  Client or Server's Web Interface.


1.Expand other_systems Other Systems under Resource Tree and locate the desired system

2.Expand desired system and locate Server to connect to the current System.

3.Open Context Menu and choose Merge to Currently Connected System...

4.Enter the admin password of the other System.

Web Interface:

1.Log in to web-interface of Server that should be connected to the current System

2.Change System Name to the desired value and click Save.

After some time the desired Server will be joined.

If it is necessary to connect several Servers in a different System to the current-one, this method may not be an option.  Also, this method won't work if the server that should be joined, is outside local network. Merge all Servers to Another System should be used for these purposes.