Backing up and Restoring Nx Witness Database

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Backing up and Restoring Nx Witness Database

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Nx Witness provides simple mechanism to perform backup and restore of system settings. It is done by backing up the Nx Witness database as a single file. Database contains all system configuration.

! IMPORTANT. It is recommended to perform restore operation on the same computer backup has been saved.

To back up Nx Witness database:

1.Open Main Menu and go to System Administration.

Backing up and Restoring HD Witness Database - 1

2.Click Create Backup... The window will open. Choose the desired location on the local file system to save the backup then click Save.

To restore Nx Witness settings from backup:

1.Open Main Menu and go to System Administration.

Backing up and Restoring HD Witness Database - 1

2.Click Restore from Backup... The window will open. Choose the backup file then click Open.

Backing up and Restoring HD Witness Database - 2

3.If click OK, database will be restored.

! IMPORTANT. It may be necessary to restart Server s and Nx Witness Clients after restore.