Showing and Hiding Side Panels

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Showing and Hiding Side Panels

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Side Panels are extremely useful, though may be hidden by a user if needed. The ">" buttons show/hide Panels as well as Hide Panel Context Menu item.

If an item is expanded to fullscreen (see "Expanding Items to Fullscreen"), all Panels slide off the screen and disappear.

To bring Panel back, click on ">".

Additionally, both left and right sliding menu panels can be pinned (pin_pressed):

If Pinned: side Panels are always visible. If a panel is hidden manually, it will not reappear automatically.

If Unpinned: Panel is only visible when the cursor is on. As soon as a user clicks off the Panel, the panel will disappear. Panel can reappear if a user points or clicks on ">".

F11 hides all Panels. To undo, press F11 again or use Esc (toggle Fullscreen will also apply if hit Esc).