Trigger Camera Output

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Trigger Camera Output

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It is possible to generate output via two different methods:

Output – generates output on Camera(s) while Event occurs and stops when Event ends.

Camera output for 30 seconds – generates output on Camera(s) when Event occurs and stops output in 30 seconds.

Basic Parameters

Camera(s) output is triggered on. To specify:

1.Click on Select at least one camera in the desired row on the Alarm/Event Rules form. The following form will appear:

Trigger Camera Output - 1

2. Check the cameras to trigger output, then click OK (Cancel will discard changes).

To select all Cameras on a specific Server, check the corresponding box. To filter search, use the Filter box. Filter criteria is the same as search (see "Search"). It is possible to Drag'n'Drop the selected Cameras from Resource Tree onto the Action's advanced settings form.

! IMPORTANT. To trigger output signals, output must be supported on Camera. If the selected Camera does not support output, then the corresponding message will be displayed (see above).

Advanced Parameters

Trigger Camera Output - 2

Output ID reserved for multi-channel recorder support.

Auto-reset in (sec) if checked, the output will be reset automatically after the specified period of time.

Aggregation Period (for Camera output for 30 seconds)

May be caused by

Any events – Camera output for 30 seconds.

Motion on Camera and Input Signal on Camera – synchronous output. Output stops when motion or input are stopped.

Why Action may work incorrectly

Output is not supported on some Cameras.

Output and Camera output for 30 seconds are slightly different.

Event is not configured properly. See Event description for details.