Upgrading Nx Witness

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Upgrading Nx Witness

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Nx Witness provides powerful and convenient way to upgrade the whole system in one click. This feature makes easy to upgrade systems  that have systems on different platforms, locations and devices without the need to physically login to computers Servers are installed on.

Upgrade is performed in the following cases:

If a new version of Nx Witness  is released, the notification pops up. It is possible either upgrade to this version or disable such notification.

If new build that fixes a particular issue is released, the support team recommends to upgrade to a particular version.

To go to upgrade dialog open Main Menu –> System Administration (CTRL+ALT+A) –> Upgrade tab.

Online Upgrade

The latest available version is displayed next to Available Update.

To upgrade to the latest version click Upgrade. The update process will start

To upgrade to the custom version click Get a specific build and enter the build number followed by the password (should be provided by support team). The update process will start

Offline Upgrade

Sometimes the security reasons do not allow Nx Witness to access the Internet. In this case Nx Witness can be upgraded offline.

1.Switch from Update from Internet to Update from Local Source... (link above Available Update).

2.Copy the Archive URL string to clipboard (use the corresponding button or select the text and press CTRL+C).

3.Create new shortcut on Operating system and paste URL.

4.Copy the shortcut to an external drive.

5.Plug the external drive to a computer that has access to the Internet and open the created shortcut. The download will begin.

6.Save the downloaded package to the external drive.

7.Plug the external drive back to the computer in the private network.

8.Click on ellipsis button (...) next to Update from file: and choose the downloaded filename from the external drive. The update process will start.

Upgrade process can take some time. Issues may occur during the upgrade process for various reasons (most common one is if one Server goes offline or becomes inaccessible). In this case try to repeat the upgrade.

! IMPORTANT. Ensure that all servers in the system are upgraded.