Troubleshooting and Contacting Support

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Troubleshooting and Contacting Support

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The following issues can be resolved manually:

If Camera is not working properly, a user should always diagnose it. See "Diagnosing Offline Cameras" for more information.

If archive is lost, Nx Witness will restore it. See "Restoring Broken Archive" for details.

To contact support, use the following link:

When posting an issue, it is necessary to describe the problem as detailed as possible. It is useful to provide additional information such as log files, network configuration, etc.  If possible  please provide administrator login credentials as well.

To expedite investigation,  it's best to Provide Remote Access. If remote access cannot be provided for security reasons, the following steps should be taken in creating a support ticket:

Recording Issue

Collecting Logs

Collecting Additional Information.

If the issue is related to a specific Camera compatibility, Support team will likely provide a specific build that should solve this particular problem. Then it will be necessary to upgrade System to this build. See "Upgrading Nx Witness" for more information.