To control Video Wall:
1.Open Video Wall on Video Wall Controller (do one of the following):
•Drag Video Wall on Scene
•Right Click on desired Video Wall in Resource Tree and choose Open Video Wall(s).
Video Wall Layout will be opened
Note: It is not possible to open videos in this Layout.
2.Double-click on the desired Video Wall Screen to swith to control mode. The layout of this screen will be opened.
3.Do any necessary operation as it were a regular Layout:
•Removing Item(s) from Layouts
•Adjusting Layout’s Appearance
•Moving and Swapping Items within Scene
•Changing Distance between Items
•Working with Several Nx Witness Windows
•Navigating through Archive and Live
•Pushing Operator's Screen on Video Wall.
All changes will be reflected immediately on the corresponding Display.
4.To switch to another Screen repeat the steps above.